
Costanza Milano

Designer and Researcher

Costanza Milano (she/her) addresses the interdependency of social dynamics, political and cultural aspects and she doesn’t shy away from complexity. To her, designing with visions enables to make space to build new social structures that lead to meaningful change. She graduated in 2019 as a strategic interaction designer from Delft University of Technology. During her graduation project, she developed an innovative framework to rethink and upgrade the future expressions of social mobility in the context of the EU. Since her graduation, she continues her work on mobility managing the Mobility|Society TU Delft Initiative. Costanza joined Reframing Studio in 2020, where she currently focuses on mobility and education. Before she studied and worked as a web designer and in the art industry between the UK, Italy, and France.

Costanza Milano
Reframing Studio

Reframing Studio is an independent innovation agency with over 25 years of experience. 
